Guided Support

Expertise Throughout Your Journey

Your Guides on the Road to Success

Embark on your American dream with a dedicated expert by your side. Navigating the path to the United States as a nurse is no small feat. Discover why having a supportive agency is the key to realizing your career goals.

Our Commitment to You

From the moment you join the PassportUSA program until you are confidently settled in your new US nursing role, Health Carousel International’s expert teams are by your side working as your long-term partners. We're here to guide, celebrate, and empower you every step of the journey.

Meet the Teams

Each phase of your American journey has a dedicated team by your side, cheering you on. Meet the talented individuals who will help you conquer each milestone and turn your dreams into reality.

Eligibility and Preparation

Begin with expert guidance and personalized support for visa and exam preparation setting you up for success.

  • Contracting transparency
  • Paid visa screen & assured premium processing offered
  • English coaching & paid testing
  • NCLEX prep & paid testing
  • Monthly coaching calls
Meet the Teams

Securing Your Assignment

Secure your perfect assignment through personalized matching between your preferences and available assignments.

  • Personalized job matching and assignment preferences
  • Resume & interview prep support
  • Paid US credentialing & licensure
  • Monthly coaching calls
Meet the Teams

Relocation and Arrival

Transition smoothly to your new life in the USA with logistical support and initial financial assistance to get you started.

  • Paid airfare & handled logistics
  • Transitional housing & arrival support, including arival & housing advances
  • Family relocation support
  • In-person arrival
  • Financial account set-up, driving & vehicle assistance
Meet the Teams

Career Advancement

Thrive in your new role and grow your career with ongoing support to help you advance in the USA healthcare system.

  • Transition to practice program
  • Post arrival orientation & precepting at assignment location
  • 1:1 Career coaching
Meet the Teams

Eligibility and Preparation

Recruitment Team

The Recruitment Team is here to set you on the path to success. They will discuss the perks of becoming a US RN and show you why the PassportUSA program is your launchpad to incredible opportunities. Together, you will make sure this decision is your perfect fit.

International Program Associate (IPA) Team, Legal Team, and English Coaches

Breathe easy as our IPAs kick off the visa process with you. They work with the Legal Team behind the scenes to ensure your journey is compliant. Your dedicated team member will guide you through visa paperwork, forms, and help you prepare for the NCLEX and English Proficiency exams. Meanwhile, our English coaches and conversation partners will boost your confidence, preparing you to be successful in both exams and everyday conversations.

Securing Your Assignment

International Deployment Advocate (IDA) Team

Once you have conquered your exams and your visa petition has been approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), your dedicated IDA steps in. They will get to know your specific situation, help you prepare for interviews to land your ideal US placement, and ensure a smooth deployment to the US.

Account Management, Credentialing and Licensing Teams

Next, get ready to shine in the US healthcare system. The account management team will match you with open positions based off your provided preferences. Our Licensing Team supports you in acquiring the necessary licenses to practice in your chosen location, while our credentialing team ensures you have met the required qualifications to start your assignment.

Relocation and Arrival

Travel and Housing Team

From securing comfortable housing to arranging convenient travel, this team helps you settle in seamlessly. Focus on your excitement, they will handle the logistics!

Arrivals Team

Touch down in the US with a warm welcome from one of our team members. They will introduce you to your new facility and community, ensuring you feel at home right away.

Career Advancement

Quality Improvement Nursing (QIN) Team

With over 100 years of combined clinical and leadership experience, our QIN team will provide dedicated support throughout your journey. From pre-arrival education to post-deployment assistance, they will collaborate with healthcare facilities to tailor your transition plan. They provide personalized 1:1 clinical support, access to online learning resources, and they advocate for you on your behalf. Our team is committed to ensuring your success at every stage of your professional development, helping you climb our Clinical Ladder Program for continued growth.

International Employee Supervisor (IES) Team and Careers Coaches

We offer support for every stage of your American dream, professional and personal. The IES Team handles day-to-day matters during your assignment, while the Career Coaches offer information and guidance on career options and programs after your first year on assignment.

Begin Your Journey

Register now and embark on your transformative journey to the United States. With Health Carousel International by your side, there is no obstacle you can't conquer. Your American Dream is closer than ever!

Proven Impact

Explore success stories showcasing how our support teams have propelled healthcare professionals to success. Your story could be next!

Additional Resources